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Contes Populaires Islandais
1.599 kr.
Una collection de contes traditionnels islandais transmis de génération en génération au fil du temps. On y coise des elfes,...
Bæta í körfu
Elves and Hidden People
1.599 kr.
Twelve Icelandic Folktales. Iceland is not only populated by the 330.000 descendants of the original Viking settlers: Its mountains, rocks,...
Bæta í körfu
Icelandic Folktales
1.599 kr.
A collection of traditional Icelandic stories which have been handed down from one generation to the next through the ages....
Bæta í körfu
Icelandic Runes
1.599 kr.
Icelandic Runes, a brief history. Before Latin writing systems and literary culture were introduces to the Nordic hemisphere, runes were...
Bæta í körfu
Íslenskar rúnir
1.599 kr.
Íslenskar rúnir, 1000 ára saga. Áður en latneskt skrifletur og bókmenning barst í Norðurálfuna voru rúnir notaðar sem letur. Rúnir...
Bæta í körfu
Les Elfes et le Peuple Cache
1.599 kr.
L'Islande n'est pas seulement habitée par les 330.000 descendants des colons norrois. En effet, ses montagnes, ses rochers, ses collines,...
Bæta í körfu
Leyendas Islandesas
1.599 kr.
Una colección de cuentos tradicionales islandeses,, transmitidos de generación en generación a través de los siglos. Estos relatos están protagonizados...
Bæta í körfu
The Saga of Burnt Njal
1.599 kr.
The Greatest Saga of the Icelanders. The saga of Burnt Njal is the greatest of the Sagas of Icelanders. Its...
Bæta í körfu
The Saga of Egil
1.599 kr.
The story of the Viking-Poet. Egil Skallagrimsson (910-990) is one of the strongest and most memorable characters of early Icelandic...
Bæta í körfu
The Saga of Gudrid
1.599 kr.
Short sagas of Icelanders. The Icelandic Discovery of America. Two Icelandic sagas, of Erik the Red and of the Greenlanders, describe...
Bæta í körfu
The Saga of Gudrun
1.599 kr.
Her four husbands and her true love. The most romantic saga of the Icelanders is about Gudrun Osvifsdaughter, a beautiful,...
Bæta í körfu